Location Stream API v1

Location Stream API v1


This document describes the format of the JSON data returned from the Location Stream Service API, including the details of each field.  It is assumed that the reader is familiar with developing systems that connect to web socket streaming apis and processing JSON messages.


The Location Stream API exposes raw JSON messages that are derived the Bluvision Cloud through the indoor location services algorithms.  The Indoor Location Services uses beacon data captured by the Bluzone Cloud to derive the location of a bluetooth device.  That data is rendered in near real-time and can be accessed in its raw form through the Location Stream API.  The Bluzone Cloud exposes this streaming API and additional REST APIs to enable consumers to plot movement of the device on a map in near real-time.

Anatomy of a Packet

Messages in the Streaming API are "flattened" for easier processing. Consumers of the location stream should check the "type" first as these may change in a future release.

Property NameValue TypeDescriptionAlways Present
typeStringDefines packet type (e.g.: location)Yes
projectIdNumberThe project identifier this location was generated forYes
idStringThe unique identifier for the device (beacon) being trackedYes
macStringThe mac address of the device being trackedYes
locationIdNumberThe locationId of the Bluzone location this was generated forYes
floorNumberNumberThe floor number this location is determined to be on.Yes
deviceNameStringThe name of the deviceYes
latitudeNumberLatitude value (example: 25.774489)Yes
longitudeNumberLongitude value (example: -80.195160)Yes
altitudeNumberAltitude value in (tbd)Yes
varianceXNumberThe uncertainty in square meters of the X axisYes
varianceYNumberThe uncertainty in square meters of the Y axisYes
varianceZNumberThe uncertainty in square meters of the Z axis.Yes
varianceNumberThe uncertainty distance of the location. Example.. Use this for map display of variance circle.Yes
locationStringCombined latitude, longitude valuesYes
batteryNumberThe battery level of from the latest scan data. If we have not received a battery yet sample the value will be zero.Yes
timestampStringThe ISO 8601 format of the timestamp of when the packet output from the Cloud in UTC


calculatedTimestampStringThe ISO 8601 format of the first packet received at server used to produce locationYes
maxTimestampStringThe ISO 8601 format of the last packet received at server used to produce locationYes
windowCountNumberThe number of packets included in the location calculationYes

The error code output from processing new locations

  • OK - there is no error
  • ErrData - there is an error with the quality of data resulting in no new location
errorDescriptionStringThe free text error description used to further describe the errorNo

Understanding Error

The error field can be inspected to understand if an error case has happened. Currently the ErrData will be output when we cannot process a location for a data reason. When an ErrData is output the last known location will also be output. New locations will not be output after ErrData until the data quality has changed such that a new location can now be calculated.

Example Packets

Note:  Properties not supported by the example packet type are omitted.  Fields defined above as "Always Present" should never be null, other fields may be null.

Sample Location Packet

Location Packet
  "altitude": 2.3687698831781745,
  "battery": 3630,
  "calculatedTimestamp": "2017-12-15T17:06:13.793Z",
  "maxTimestamp": "2017-12-15T17:06:16.793Z",
  "windowCount": 10,
  "deviceName": "bvTiTag",
  "locationId": 1,
  "floorNumber": 1,
  "id": "6253758190942573046",
  "latitude": 26.205612363949143,
  "location": "26.205612,-80.138235",
  "longitude": -80.13823502660985,
  "mac": "01:fa:b5:26:24:cf:b2",
  "projectId": 8,
  "timestamp": "2017-12-15T17:06:16.555687791Z",
  "type": "location",
  "variance": 0,
  "varianceX": 0,
  "varianceY": 0,
  "varianceZ": 0,

Using The Service

Note:  Support for WebSocket connections to Bluzone has been deprecated.  Please use the RemoteConsumer service and bring your own Kinesis or EventHub stream to consume this data.  See Data Stream Integrations

The following section assumes familiarity with working with WebSockets.  Bluvision has made a sample client available on Github (https://github.com/bluzone/consumer-service).  The sample client will connect to a WebSocket at the provided URL and dump contents to the console.  


  1. WebSocket Client:  A reference implementation can be found here:  https://github.com/bluzone/consumer-service
  2. A project on the Bluzone Portal:  https://bluzone.io
  3. The Web API Token from the project.
  4. The URL to the Location Stream endpoint:  wss://bluzone.io/portal/consumer/location