How to update runtime for Golang AWS Lambda functions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is deprecating the go1.x runtime on Lambda, this is currently scheduled for December 31, 2023. Customers need to migrate their Go based lambda functions to the al2.provided runtime, which uses Amazon Linux 2 as the execution environment.

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How to implement the changes for Bluzone Lambda functions

Step01: Create env var for the runtime config


export RUNTIME="provided.al2"

Step02: Use the runtime config on the create lambda function command


echo "RUNTIME:" $RUNTIME echo "--- creating function [$BITBUCKET_BRANCH-$FN_NAME]" aws lambda create-function \ --function-name $BITBUCKET_BRANCH-$FN_NAME \ --runtime "$RUNTIME"

Step03: Rename the binary


BIN_PATH=bootstrap build-lambda: git config --global url."".insteadOf "" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build $(LD_FLAGS) -o $(BIN_PATH) $(CMD_PATH).go package-lambda: build-lambda @echo "--- zipping lambda function" zip main zip $(BIN_PATH)

Step04: Ignore the binary from version controlling


Step05: Update the aws-lambda-go library
