Virtual BluFi Setup & Testing
This guide will help you how to create virtual BluFI setup in Bluzone and provision BluFl to your project .
For virtual BluFI provision setup ,you need to ask HID IoT sale team to pre provision BluFI to your project at the time of purchase order.
Once the BluFI are provision to your project then use "Virtual Device" tab in Bluzone console to create virtual devices.
1. General Setup
The following method you can use to create virtual BluFI in Bluzone.
Creating Virtual Device One-by-One
Creating Virtual Devices via Bulk Upload
NOTE : We recommend to use Installer app to provision Virtual BluFIs.
Creating Virtual Devices One-by-One
Step 1 : Open the URL : and login to your Bluzone project .
Step 2 : Click on Virtual Devices .
Step 3 : Click Create
Step 4 : Virtual Device screen will open and provide the following information.
Select the Location
Type the Name Virtual Device
Select and drag the Virtual Device to the desired location on the map. Alternatively, you can also type in the Latitude and Longitude.
Default Device Type : BluFI
Select the Power Source Type : Unknown,AC or DC
Select Template from the dropdown.
Press Create or Create and Close .A pop up message will appear at bottom of the screen confirming that virtual device is created .
i) Click Create will create the Virtual BluFi and then reset the screen to add another device.
· ii) Click Create and Close will create the Virtual BluFi and then take you to the main page where you can view all the virtual devices.
iii) Click Cancel to return to the list view.
Step 5 :Click “ Virtual Devices “ tab and then select “ Viewer “
Step 5 :Select BluFI from the list and drag the Virtual Device to the desired location on the map.
Creating Virtual Devices via Bulk Upload
Step 1 : Open the URL : and login to your Bluzone project .
Step 2 : Click on Virtual Devices .
Step 3 :Click on Bulk Upload
Step 3 :Select Location ,Select Template ,power source type : unknown if different type of BluFIs are in the project and select the CSV file and Press Upload files .You will get the message Success Bulk upload job finished successfully.
Note : Create the CSV with header name, locationName, blufiTemplateName, powerSourceType
Step 4 : Click on Virtual Devices .
Step 5 : Click Virtual Devices tab and select virtual device .
Step 6 : Click Virtual Devices tab.Select virtual device and drag the Virtual Device to the desired location on the map.Press Save
Repeat the above step2 until all BluFI have the location.
3. Provision Virtual BluFI with Installer App
Download the following HID IoT Installer App from the Apple Store:
You may be required to trust the app on your iOS device. If prompted for this issue, follow the instruction as in the below link
Step 1 : Launch the Bluzone app on your device and make sure that mobile / IOS device is connected to internet.
Step 2 : Enter your username and password, then choose Log in with Bluzone.Your login must have access to the project(s) which you are installing
Step 3 :You will see a list of projects to which you have access. select the project that you are installing from the list.
Step 4 :Choose the floor on which the BluFIs will be installed.
Step 5 : Choose the location that you are installing from the list, then tap on Install button.
Step 6 : Retrieve a pre-provisioned BluFi from stock and scan the QR code. Choose Assign when prompt, await confirmation of successful process completion. If Blufi you have chosen not yet been provisioned, you will be prompted to provision it before the process continues. Repeat the process for all BluFI’s awaiting installtion.
Step 7 : Wait for “Connected” status to appear on the screen as shown below .
3.1 Replacing an Existing Virtual BluFI
Step1 : Choose the BluFi that you are replacing from the list, then choose Replace.
Step 2 : Retrieve a new BluFi from stock and scan the QR code. Choose Replace when prompted, await confirmation of successful process completion. If the Blufi you have chosen has not yet been provisioned, you will be prompted to provision it before the process continues. Repeat the process for all BluFi’s awaiting replacement.
Step 3 : Wait for “Connected” status to appear on the screen as shown below .
4. Provision Virtual BluFI with Bluzone Mobile App
The bluzone provisioning app detail are available in below link.
Step 1 : Launch the Bluzone app on your device.
Step 2 : Sign in using your username and password
Step 3 : Click Provision
Step 4 : Click Virtual BluFi
Step 5 : Scan QR Code on the BluFI
Step 6 :To Assign BluFI on the Map.Select Location
Step 7 :Select the Map
Step 8 :Select BluFl assigned on the map .
Step 9 : Select Associate
Step 10 : BluFI associated to the project.
4. BluFI Functionality & Geofence Policy Testing
4.1 Geofence Policy Testing
Step 1 : From the floor-level screen, change the Not Installed filter to Completed.
Step 2 : Choose the BluFi that you are testing from the list, then choose Test.
Step 3 : Choose Geofence Policy Test first from the Test Type dropdown, then choose the Geofence policy that you will be testing by choosing Policy Assigned, then searching for the room.
Step 4 : Next, specify the beacon to be used for testing by first choosing Test Beacon, then by scanning the QR code on the test beacon. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the test. Repeat testing steps for each room to be tested.
4.1 Geofence Policy Testing
Step 1 :From the floor-level screen, change the Not Installed filter to Completed.
Step 2 : Choose the BluFi that you are testing from the list, then choose Test.
Step 3 : Choose Blufi Functionality Test first from the Test Type dropdown, then choose the beacon that you will be using for testing by choosing Test Beacon. Adjust the default Min Detectable RSSI value, if appropriate. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the test. Repeat testing steps for each Blufi to be tested.
5. Beacon Provisioning
Step 1 : From the project screen, choose the + sign in the top right corner of the screen, then choose Provision a Beacon.
Step 2 : Select the beacon ID from the list of detected beacons.
Step 3 : Select template
Step 4 : Select Location
Step 5 : Press Provision
Step 6 : Wait for message “Device provisioned Successfully “ .
6. Deployment and Network Troubleshooting
If you are experiencing a issue with provisioning or BluFI connectivity with Bluzone cloud then refer the below section.
Network Troubleshooting: Network requirement details for BluFI and for troubleshooting BluFI connectivity to Bluzone cloud.
5. Additional Product Information
Product Specifications sheet
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