Activating Alert service/LED & Buzzer (Blink Job)

Activating Alert service/LED & Buzzer (Blink Job)

Activation of the alert service/turning on the Flashing Ultrabright LEDS and the buzzer on the Asset+ can be triggered via multiple methods:

Activation of Alert service using Bluzone UI

Activation of the alert service using Bluzone is performed by sending a Blink Job command to the device.

Blink jobs are triggered by the following steps:

  1. select “Beacon” from the Menu bar on the left,

  2. select a Asset+ device that you which to send a downlink command to,

  3. Navigate to “Job” tab along the top menu bar,

  4. Press the “Actions” drop down and select “Blink Job”

  5. confirm that you which to activate the alert service by pressing “submit”

  6. A job while then be scheduled to activate the Alert service using the BluFI with best link to the Asset+ device. This can take up to 1min, by clicking on the job in the table further information can be obtained on the statues of the job

Note: that Blink jobs take approx. 1min to be sent to the asset+ device, this is because Bluzone has to determine which BluFI to use to send the command to the device, then the BLUFI must imitate a connection to the device and activate the service.

troubleshooting: The Asset+ must be transmitting sBeacon packets and must be in the presence of a BluFI to activate the alert service via Bluzone, The Mac address must be correctly registered within Bluzone. The BluFI must be set to 3rd party Scan mode.


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