Device data and LoRa Uplinks
Sense Asset+ devices are listed within the Bluzone “Beacons” view, on the right hand navigation pane.
The data can be filtered by pressing the vertical three dotes on any of the column headings, For example if more then one beacon type is present filter by Device type, or to see a specific Asset+ filter by SID or Name.
Name: By default the device name is the LoRa Dev EUI which is printed on the front label of the product. The name for a device can be changed by selecting the device and updating the name field.
SID, The SID is the devices LoRa Dev EUI converted from hexadecimal to decimal.
Device type: is Sense Asset+
To see further details select a device:
The general tab along the top navigation window will provide information such as LoRa Dev EUI, SID, Firmware version, Device MAC address, note that the LoRa Dev EUI may have the leading “0” omitted
The Statistics tab along the top provides data from the device if it is currently been seen by a BluFI, available information:
list of BluFIs that are currently detecting the Asset+, BLE RSSI, battery voltage and a time stamp
To view LoRa Uplink data, under the statistics tab for the device, press on the Chart button on the right of the page.
Select the “LoRa Uplink” Chart
“LoRa Uplink” Charts details the latest and historic device application uplinks.
Heart Beats are listed as Port 1 Uplinks and contain the device battery voltage and FW version
Movement start is listed as Port 2 Uplinks and contain the device battery voltage and FW version
Final GNSS Position (once the device has stopped moving) is listed as Port 3 Uplinks and contain the Longitude and Latitude of the device as well as the number of satellites used for calculation the position and the DOPS.
BLE reference devices detected when the device stops moving are listed as port 4 uplinks, the device may report multiple reference devices and in this situation multiple uplinks will be triggered each with an index value and the total number detected, the uplink also contains the RSSI detected and the MAC address of the BLE device,
Button press is listed as a port 5 uplink
GNSS position update while moving is listed as a port 6 uplink if breadcrumb trail mode is enabled
BLE reference device detected while moving are listed as port 7 uplinks if if breadcrumb trail mode is enabled
Note the uplink sequence is listed in the table, if the table shows a jump in the sequence number it maybe that the uplink from the tag was not detected by the gateway or that the uplink was a LoRaMAC command which are not detailed in this table.