ScanData Stream API v1
This document describes the format of the JSON data returned from the ScanData Streaming Service, including the details of each field. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with developing systems that connect to web socket streaming apis and processing JSON messages.
Sample Streaming Clients
Note: WebSocket support for consuming stream data from Bluzone has been deprecated. Please use Data Stream Integrations instead.
Complete details and sample clients for using the Bluzone Consumer Service is available at:
The Streaming API exposes raw JSON messages that are collected by the Bluvision Cloud. Developers may use this service to perform their own stream processing on JSON data. Adapters are connectors that put Bluetooth data into the Bluzone Cloud. The most common Adapter (and currently the only one supported) is a BluFi. A typical use case would involve several Bluvision Beeks and one or more BluFi devices. (Note: This is an example of an extremely small deployment for development purposes. Actual production deployments can potentially have many thousands of Beeks and BluFi devices.) Once deployed and configured, the Streaming API may be used to directly process BLE traffic.
Bluvision Beeks devices are optimized to send different packet types per use case. For example, there is a packet type for Light sensors, and a different packet type for iBeacon. This is done for greater flexibility of deployments as well as optimization of battery and network traffic. Some deployments may require only light or temperature monitoring while other deployments may need only iBeacon. Furthermore, each packet type may have different requirements for power and interval. For example, the Beacon my sample light once every hour but temperature every five minutes.
A single message in the Streaming API maps to a BLE Advertisement Packet. Every packet will define the Packet Type, Adapter Id, and Timestamp. Some generic Bluetooth broadcasts may not map to a managed device within the Bluzone Cloud, so there is no guarantee that every packet type will have a unique device identifier.
Available Packet Types
Note: Not all packet types may be enabled for all projects, please contact customer support for more details.
PacketType | Description | Status |
sBv2 | Beeks V2 packet | Standard |
iBeacon | iBeacon standard packets | Optional |
sLight | Beeks light sensor packet | Optional |
sSns | Beeks motion sensor | Optional |
unknown | Raw BLE packets from generic devices | Optional |
Anatomy of a Packet
Messages in the Streaming API are "flattened" for easier processing. Consumers should parse the "packetType" property first and then handle the message accordingly.
Property Name | Value Type | Description | Always Present |
projectId | Number | The Project id of the Adapter and owner of this data. | Yes |
adapterId | String | Unique identifier of the Adapter (BluFi) | Yes |
adapterType | String | Defines the Adapter type (currently only BluFi) | Yes |
version | String | Version of the message format | Yes |
packetType | String | What type of data is being reported. | Yes |
timestamp | String | The ISO 8601 format of the timestamp of when the packet was received by the Cloud in UTC | Yes |
id | String | A unique identifier of the device where the BLE packet originated | No |
time | Number | A timestamp relative to the device, useful for packet sequencing | No |
battery | Number | The current voltage level of the device | No |
temp | Number | The temperature observed by the device in Celsius (float value) | No |
rssi | Number | Signal strength as observed by the Adapter | No |
uuid | String | Standard iBeacon protocol UUID value | No |
major | Number | Standard iBeacon protocol Major value | No |
minor | Number | Standard iBeacon protocol Minor value | No |
measuredPower | Number | Broadcast power as reported by the device | No |
eventCounter | Array (Numeric) | Raw event data from motion sensor | No |
xAccel | Number | Motion sensor accelleration on x axis | No |
yAccel | Number | Motion sensor accelleration on y axis | No |
zAccel | Number | Motion sensor accelleration on z axis | No |
lums | Number | The lumens observed by the Light sensor | No |
type | String | Raw BLE type found in an "unknown" packet type | No |
raw | Array (bytes) | Raw BLE data encapsulated in a byte array | No |
gid | String | GAT General Id, value depends on device implementation | No |
Example Packets
Note: Properties not supported by the example packet type are omitted. Fields defined above as "Always Present" should never be null, other fields may be null.
Sample sBv2 Packet
{ "adapterId": "6", "battery": 3600, "id": "11310989575814262114", "packetType": "sBv2", "projectId": 1, "rssi": -92, "temp": 25.25, "time": 5608879, "timestamp": "2015-06-19T22:29:31.909Z", "version": "1", "gid":"01:df:05:2b:ff:d7:4a" }
Sample iBeacon Packet
{ "adapterId": "6", "id": null, "major": 25, "measuredPower": -55, "minor": 133, "packetType": "iBeacon", "projectId": 1, "rssi": -97, "time": null, "timestamp": "2015-06-19T22:29:40.416Z", "uuid": "2a6b70e5-f974-4d42-911e-d44eff379b95", "version": "1", "gid":"01:df:05:2b:ff:d7:4a" }
sLight Packet
{ "adapterId": "6", "id": "12317523928979847176", "lums": 648, "packetType": "sLight", "projectId": 1, "time": 1434746811, "timestamp": "2015-06-19T20:28:25.229Z", "version": "1", "gid":"01:df:05:2b:ff:d7:4a" }
sSns Packet
{ "adapterId": "6", "battery": 2920, "eventCounter": [ 15, 16, 10, 12, 0, 0 ], "id": "3856557568088208712", "packetType": "sSns", "projectId": 1, "temp": 25.0, "time": 16554638, "timestamp": "2015-06-19T22:32:06.333Z", "version": "1", "xAccel": 0, "yAccel": 0, "zAccel": 1, "gid":"01:df:05:2b:ff:d7:4a" }
unknown Packet
Note: Implementations should not rely on gid property being populated for unknown packet types.
{ "adapterId": "6", "id": null, "packetType": "unknown", "projectId": 1, "raw": [ -125, -5, 118, 98, 5, -39, 2, 1, 6, 15, -1, -2, -4, -86, 85, -59, -96, -124, 85, 109, -22, -79, 1, -114, 28 ], "rssi": -78, "time": null, "timestamp": "2015-06-19T22:29:31.823Z", "version": "1", "gid":"01:df:05:2b:ff:d7:4a" }
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