Evacuation Assistance
This guide is designed to help you install and implement the Evacuation Assistance solution from HID using the Evaluation Kit (BVEVAC-KITXX-P). This kit comes provisioned with configured BluFi's, Beacons, and a BluZone account and project. If your kit arrived without provisioning, please see our Getting Up and Running guide to complete these steps.
Setting Up Locations
Your Evacuation and Assembly Zones are setup using the Locations feature within Bluzone. Select the Locations tab on the left navigation panel, then select the green Create button at the top of the page. Give the new Location a Name and Floor number and click Save.
Next, select the Evacuation Assistance Zone Type, enter the address of the location, and click Save
Repeat these steps until all of your Evacuation and Assembly Zone have been created (recommended to have 3 zones to use with the Evaluation Kit).
Adding Locations to your BluFi’s
After creating all of your locations/zones, these locations will need to be added to your BluFi’s configuration to complete the setup process. Select the BluFi tab on the left navigation panel, then click on one of your devices to assign a location.
Then select the Location tab on the top navigation bar, click on the Location pop-out icon, and select the zone you want assigned to the specified BluFi. When done, click Save.
Repeat these steps until all of your BluFi’s have been assigned a Location Zone.
Evacuation Dashboard
Finally, select the Evac Dashboard tab on the left navigation panel. This will display the count of devices reporting in each of your zones. The top left boxes will display the aggregate count for each type of zone (Evacuation or Assembly). The Reporting Zones box will show the detailed count of devices in each zone, and the Reporting Beacons box will bring up the individual data associated with each device.
If you do not see the dashboard, you may need to enable the Evacuation Assistance account product by going to Settings/Team, then clicking on the user. Select the box next to Evacuation Assistance and click Save. If this option is not available, scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and request access to Evacuation Assistance.
Updating Beacon Name
To change the name of a Beacon, select the Beacon tab on the left navigation panel. Then select the Beacon you would like to update. Then change the Name field and click Save at the bottom of the page.
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