BluFI Template APIs
Bluzone uses a template concept to configure BluFIs.The BluFI template can be considered a provisioning profile that must be assigned to a BluFI during provisioning time. The Bluzone workflow follows a best practices approach to enterprise configuration and device management. The BluFI template API exposes a list of available templates as well as REST endpoints for creating and editing the template.
BluFI templates must be directly scoped to a project (as most entities in Bluzone data model), and must capture the following values at a minimum: Name, ProjectId, SecurityType, passphrase.
Example Delete BluFI Template(s)
This API supports a bulk process. You can PUT an array of BluFI template IDs and the service will delete them. This process is transactional. All must delete with success or none will be deleted and an error will be returned. On success, Bluzone responds with a 204 Success, no content.
curl -X PUT \$YOUR_PROJECT_ID/blufiTemplates \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'bzid: $YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '[10001,10002,10003]'
NOTE: Starting November 1, the above API will be deprecated in favor of the below pattern which adds the "/_delete" to the endpoint. This change makes the API more consistent with other Bluzone bulk delete APIs.
curl -X POST \$YOUR_PROJECT_ID/blufiTemplates/_delete \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'bzid: $YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '[10001,10002,10003]'
Example Create BluFI Template
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'bzid: MY_BZ_API_KEY' \ --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "name": "My Blufi Template", "ssid": "myssid", "projectId": 988, "tags": [ { "tagId": 2726, "projectId": 988, "value": "room-387", "displayName": "room-387" },{ "tagId": 2727, "projectId": 988, "value": "blufi", "displayName": "blufi" },{ "tagId": 2728, "projectId": 988, "value": "wh-123", "displayName": "wh-123" } ], "securityType": { "securityTypeKey": "WPA2", "enterprise": false }, "passphrase": "mywifipasscode" }'
Sample - Get All BluFI Templates For a Project
curl --request GET \ > --url \ > --header 'accept: application/json' \ > --header 'bzid: MY_BZ_API_KEY' \ > --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \ > --header 'content-type: application/json' [ { "wifiProfileId": null, "templateId": 2307, "edgeDeviceId": null, "projectId": 988, "name": "My Blufi Template", "description": null, "ssid": "myssid", "channels": "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14", "rssiThreshold": -99, "securityType": { "securityTypeKey": "WPA2", "enterprise": false }, "username": null, "passphrase": "my-wifi-password", "certFileName": null, "certData": null, "tags": [ { "tagId": 2726, "projectId": 988, "value": "room-387", "displayName": "room-387" }, { "tagId": 2727, "projectId": 988, "value": "blufi", "displayName": "blufi" }, { "tagId": 2728, "projectId": 988, "value": "wh-123", "displayName": "wh-123" } ], "policies": [ ], "scanMode": { "scanModeId": 1, "name": "System Beacon Management Scan Mode", "description": "Optimized for remote beacon configuration", "assetTrackingMode": false, "deviceJobMode": false, "scanInterval": 80, "scanWindow": 80, "channels": "37,38,39,2491,2498,255", "channelCycles": "1,1,1,10,10,0", "channelCount": 6, "trackingChannels": "", "idleCycles": 0, "scanMode": 0, "wifiProbe": false, "startFrequency": 0, "frequencyStep": 0, "sweepChannelCount": 0, "sweepMode": 0, "dwellTime": 24, "scanDelayTime": -11, "maxNoise": 0, "minSnr": 0, "maxSnr": 0, "wifiProbeChannel": 6, "wifiProbeInterval": 0, "wifiProbeWindow": 0, "dateCreated": 1463515421000, "dateUpdated": null }, "sleepSchedule": null, "assetTrackingEnabled": false, "autoCreatePLSPolicy": false, "dateCreated": 1500907953000, "dateUpdated": 1500907953000 } ]
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