Getting Up And Running

Getting Up And Running

Registering a new account

To register a new account, go to Register Fill out the Registration form, accept the Terms of Use and submit the registration by clicking the "Submit" button. Upon successful registration you will receive a email verification, click link to log into the portal.

Configuring device templates

The device templates provide a set of default settings that will be used at the time of the device provisioning. Once the device is provisioned and is connected to the  cloud, you will be able to manage the device via the  portal (https://bluzone.io/console). 

Configuring BluFi WiFi profiles

The BluFi WiFi profile will allow the BluFi devices to connect to the cloud. The cloud supports the following WiFi security types:

  • Open
  • WEP
  • WPA/WPA2

  • EAP-PEAPv0 w/PSK

  • EAP-PEAPv0 w/TLS


  • EAP-PEAPv1 w/PSK

  • EAP-PEAPv1 w/TLS





To configure a new WiFi profile click on the "Templates" in the main left-hand navigation menu of the  portal.

and then click the "Create" button

Add Name, Network name and security type

Select Save

Configuring Beacon templates

The Beacon templates are used to provision and configure new beacons at deployment time. Once the beacon is provisioned the template changes will not effect the beacon configuration. After the beacon has been provisioned and connected to a BluFi all beacon configuration updates will come from the cloud.

By default the cloud will create a set of default Beacon templates that may be used "as is" to provision the new beacons. Additionally, you may choose to modify the default templates or create new ones. 

Deployment and Provisioning

BluFi provisioning

During the BluFi deployment/provisioning, you will use the previously configured WiFi profiles to connect the BluFi to the cloud.  

Here is a step-by-step instruction video for BluFi provisioning in the cloud.

Beacon provisioning

During the Beacon deployment/provisioning, you will use the previously configured templates to get the beacon configured and registered with the cloud.

Here is a step-by-step instruction video for beacon provisioning in the cloud.