03. How-to Setup Templates

03. How-to Setup Templates

Templates are used to easily provision a group of beacons or BluFis

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go into Templates by clicking the tab on the left hand side of the screen.

  2. Click 'Create' or choose one you would like to modify  and select clone.
    1. Name  it and apply desired changes
    2. select save
  3. Pick the device you would like to add the template to.
    Select Apply Template
    Select from pull down the desired template
    Select Save

  4. For Beacon template fill in the required fields:
    1. For iBeacon, the minor will be automatically assigned.
    2. For iBeacon, the UUID field has 3 options
      1. Project - Will get the UUID of the Project from the project settings
      2. Auto - Will generate random UUID **FOR EACH BEACON** meaning all the beacons using this template will have different UUID
      3. User - User specified UUID. Type it in the field.
    3. You can enable sensor broadcast if your device supports it